Car Air-Conditioning Facts

Humans are mostly creatures of habit. We have certain habits that we learned from the past and continue to behave in certain ways that may not be in our long term interest. Most of us are accustomed to use the air conditioner in our cars. Many of us, may have had unpleasant experiences like driving in sweltering heat, if of course your car had no air conditioner. It is instead wonderful to be driving away in a comfortable envir
onment and arriving at your destination spick and span. Important considerations need however to be taken when air conditioners are concerned
Summer time and your car’s air-conditioner will almost always be switched on while you are driving. Proper use of your air conditioner may save you hundred of dollars annually and take that extra load from your engine. Unfortunately most of us do not know certain basic principles in the usage of their air conditioners. You know it is a device that can make life so much easier in the heat of the day, but do you think about how best you could use it?

Here are few tips for you to make the most efficient use of it.
1.for faster cooling on a hot day, travel with a windows open and the AC on [fan set high] for a few minutes. This will drive out the hot air. Then shut the windows and travel for a few minutes with the air-conditioning on at the re-circulate position. Then put the air supply in the normal [vent closed] position. Set fan slower too.
2.Don’t freeze inside! The higher the difference between internal and external temperature, the higher the fuel consumption.
3.Using the AC consumes just as much fuel as if you were traveling with open windows: up to 10% more than with the windows closed and the AC turned off.
4.When not in use, turn on the AC at least once a week to prevent its refrigerant gas from leaking.
5.Prevent stale air caused by bacteria in the evaporator by switching off the AC 5 to 10 minutes before you leave the car.
And as for as possible park in the shade.